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Wingbat P/Wingbat P+

Kit Price    TBA/£48.95             Replacement Wing     N/A

Type:        Cat 7
Span:       1125/1450mm
Controls:  Aileron/Elevator
Av Wt.      740/1000gms
Section:   NACA 2R2

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The production of the power versions of the extremely popular and successful Wingbats is due to customer demand. A number of modellers converted their Wingbats to power and never ceased to tells us how well they performed. This is not surprising really as the Wingbats are superb performers as slope soarers. Qualities which stand out in the power versions are excellent low speed handling, the long flat glide making it easier to reach the landing strip and the superb performance to power ratio. Wingbats regularly out perform similar models fitted with more powerful engines.