We feel it is essential to remind yourself frequently that you are connected intimately, not only to the whole of the solar system, but even more closely to what is happening within the Earth´s consciousness.

      Through talking to many people over the last few years, we have come to know that much of what seems to be personal processing, is in fact planetary processing. As we draw ever closer to the mythological and magical gateway of 2012 about which indigenous peoples have spoken for a very long time, this processing is speeding up. As we all know, not one day is the same as another, and things come at us from out of the blue impelling us to let go, and let go, and let go... and to focus into our centre, and into our heart.

      For sceptics of Astrology, it would be good for us to put our case: look at the way the Moon pulls the oceans, and the crust of the Earth; it has an undeniable relationship to the female cycle, also to the germination and growth cycles of plants.

      The mental bio-rhythm cycle is a 28 day cycle, which is also the orbiting cycle of Mercury, a planet traditionally associated with the functioning of the mind.

      One of the insights derived from Quantum Mechanics is that a small event somewhere in the universe is able to affect the outcome of another small event without there being any apparent or obvious connection between the two. This would reflect exactly what Astrologers have been saying for centuries.

      We now know from the latest NASA photographs of the Earth´s magnetic field that there is in fact, a direct plasma connection from the Earth to the Sun, through which the Sun continually influences the Earth´s magnetic field. And we can observe the obvious effects on human emotions, and sensitive technology when we are in the throes of a magnetic storm, due to increased solar wind activity.

      A Japanese scientist has observed an actual physical change in the quality of human blood at the time of sunrise and sunset, also a qualitative change occurs during solar eclipses.

      We could go on, but these are just a few examples of a wealth of evidence that is piling up to support many traditional astrological assertions, both clarifying their validity, and at the same time clearing away some of the more speculative and superstitious beliefs that have arisen around this profound and ancient cosmic science.

      It is misleading to think that Astrology merely divides us all into 12 types. This is a gross over-simplification. We have discovered, through working with Astrology for 25 years, that planetary positions in the birth chart, and their relationship to each other reveal a very accurate and dynamic map of our personality, psychology and intrinsic potentials.

       When a birth chart is looked at to include the positions of Sun, Moon, all the planets and major asteroids, we see that each moment in time reveals a totally unique, never-to-be-repeated pattern within Eternity. Just as no two snowflakes are ever the same, so no two birth charts are ever the same, and no two human individuals are ever the same. The Universe has unlimited capacity for the creation of infinite diversity.

The Velocity of the Divine Dance

      The Earth rotates on its axis at 1000 miles per hour (1600 kph). It orbits around the Sun at an average speed of around 67,250 miles per hour (107,600 kph). The Sun, in turn, is orbiting around the centre of the galaxy at a speed of 540,000 miles per hour. So the combined speed through space of the Earth and the Sun is 607,250 miles per hour, enough to take your breath away. But there´s more - our Galaxy is also hurtling through space at a speed of 360,000 miles per hour. The combined motion of the Earth, Sun and Galaxy means that we are about twenty three and a quarter million miles away from where we were in space this time yesterday....makes holding on to the past seem rather futile, don´t you think!

      At this time, our Solar System finds itself hurtling into an area of space where everything is being raised in frequency. This is causing deep changes in the solar system as a whole and particularly on our own beloved planet - Earth. In essence, it is a simple process. More Light frequencies are flowing in to our system, our planet and our individual consciousness. When Light shines into what has been in relative darkness, it reveals the full extent of the darkness, and the illusion and confusion, is the nature of the darkness. Within our own lives this quickening light frequency reveals areas of suppression and of a lower vibrational reality we have been operating within. As the light increases we experience a greater depth and breath of understanding the patterns of our lives ~ it can be confusing and at times hard going. But the Light has such a transformative quality of Grace that it can heal the confusion and pain that has been brought up to the surface.

      This healing process is occurring throughout the planet - it is occurring in the collective and individual human soul, and it is occurring in the Planetary Soul. Since the Total Eclipse of 11th August 1999, and the rare planetary conjunction of Chiron and Pluto on 30th December 1999, this healing process has taken such a deep hold in the collective psyche, that it is now universal and unstoppable. The events and cosmic and planetary alignments, which will occur over the next few years, will bring changes that are beyond our wildest dreams and imaginings.

      This is the story of this unfolding process. It is written in the language of the stars and planets, and the language held within the ancient mysteries of the Earth. It is written in the heart of every being on this planet; gradually, falteringly, and with wonder we are learning to read its language again...the language of the Earth Spirit.

The Solar Embryo ~ The Heliosphere

      Breathe into your heart - pull the light and warmth of the Sun into your heart. A stream of golden light particles connects your heart into the central core of the Sun ~ now love-encoded messages are flowing into the heart of your being.

      How can we bear this light, this brightness - there are no shadows left to hide behind. This light bends and pierces through all that is. How can there be shadows with such blinding light - there is no possibility of polarity or duality, all is naked, all is one, all is light.

      In order to look directly into the Sun we have to embrace everything - all denying, all suppression, all fear have to dissolve. Is our fear of looking at the Sun that we shall be blinded or is it that finally we will have no choice but to accept it all and love it all? It may damage our physical eyes to gaze directly at this flaming golden orb but we can look at it with our soul´s eyes. Are we willing to step into that place within ourselves to do that?

      Our solar system, with its boundary, its skin is 100 times the distance between Earth and Sun, from core to outer edge. This is our solar home, thought to be shaped like an egg. Is this what this place is, an embryo, a womb?

      This is a safe place to grow and develop our spiritual limbs and organs, so what part do we play, here on Mother/Lover Earth ~ we are the heart, the mind, the synapses between the cells of the Solar brain? We are the number seven (seven major chakras) exactly half way between the relative size of the Earth and the Moon Ð eleven and three.

The Solar Wind

      The growing medium of this Helio-egg is the Solar Wind. These are charged particles that constantly stream out from the surface of the Sun; they permeate through and around all the bodies of the Solar system, connecting everything they touch. At one hundred times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, its energy is spent and the wind fades, as energy/light from other Suns and galaxies rush in to meet it.

      Solar particles carried by the force of the solar wind move around our solar system bouncing off planetary energy fields often finding their way back to the Sun. So, in a very scientifically measurable way all objects within our solar system are, via the solar wind, in constant communication with the Sun and, from the Sun of course, to all other beings within the Heliosphere.

      As the planets and other ´helioshpheric´ beings rotate and orbit around the Sun, fingers of light and impulse connect to the magnetic field of the Solar being. They stroke and excite the coiled, vortexed energy to leap into action, firing great loops of charged particles from the surface that spread out in great fans of energised particles - these are known as Solar Flares.

      At other times, a great hole is formed on the Sun´s surface, from which gush vast solar breaths that stream out to meet us at many hundred kilometres per second.

      Peaks in Solar activity have an eleven year cycle which is an interesting number, as in the Fibbonacci series of numbers eleven, one and one, would signify the start of ´growth´, some thing new ~ we will go into this in more detail another time.

      And here we stand on Earth, our heads and hearts buried in the complexities of our lives like tiny ants carrying the burdens and joys. Yet like leaves on a tree we flutter and dance with every breath of our Solar being.

      The Moon pulls every molecule of our emotional waters when she shows her brightest face in the sky.

      The very shape of our watery oceans and our air-filled atmosphere is moulded by the combination of the pull of the midday Sun and the pull and phase of the Moon ~ never is our globe completely spherical. All the time we are being acted upon, influenced and inspired by all of our solar neighbours.

Where is our free will in all this you might well ask?

      At the moment of your conception, the sperm struggled its way to the egg and connected and enjoined in orgasmic splendour. From that moment on, your body (which is, after all mainly water) and your mind, have been, to grosser and subtler degrees, shaped and imprinted by the loving influences of all the asteroids, planets and stars.

      Barbara Hand Clow described how she has seen souls waiting outside the orbit of the Moon, for just the exact right moment to pass through the energetic web that the Moon weaves around the Earth. This enables each soul to have the right imprinting from the North and South Nodes of the Moon, which give the overriding purpose and schooling for that lifetime. This timing we choose. Of course the decision is based upon the perspective of our higher´ self which, much to the consternation of our separate identities, always has an eye to the harvest and not the growing pains.

      Imagine a gossamer spider´s web around the planet, constantly moving and fluxing as solar and stellar energies move and change the shape, texture and colour. Sometimes shimmering light-filled colours ripple around the globe, at other times areas glow and fade - infinite variations are seen. Into this web drop souls of humans, animals and many other types of beings.

      Think back to your birth, feel the way the etheric web may have been at that time, feel how it was as you pulled into your lungs the first breath of this lifetime. In that place, all your energy centres were imprinted with the matrices of the Earth´s energy web at that moment. How beautiful, how perfect! We will always have strong links to the place where we were born because that is the place where we can feed and be fed by the alignment of the matrix within our energy centres that resonates with the matrix of the Earth at the that place.

      For example, around the time of the Total Solar eclipse of August 1999, many people found themselves going back to their birth place, or close to it, because there was a need to in a sense to dock´ into the grid at their places of easiest access to help channel conception energies of that profound event. How do the Solar and interplanetary encodings translate into our planetary matrix?

Our Star ~ The Sun

      The Sun is the source of all light and life on this planet; so it is also the originator of our physical consciousness.

      The latest astronomical research tells us that all of the planets in the solar system were condensed out of the stellar dust that resulted from the formation of the Sun. The Earth therefore is a direct creation of the Sun, which means that we too have Solar origins ~ we are Solar beings.

The Earth´s Subtle body - the magnetosphere.

      In order to understand our place in the grand scheme of things, it is essential to use a combination of intuition and intellect; balancing them both in the centre of our consciousness will allow us to surf through the dimensions.

      Do you remember playing with bar magnets and iron fillings when you were young? Do you remember the way the iron fillings align themselves to form a loop from the North to South polarity of the bar magnet: well this, in a very simplified way, is how the magnetic core of our Earth arranges the force fields around itself.

Here is a picture of the way iron fillings arrange themselves around a bar magnet very similar to the magnetic field around the Earth:


      You can see how at the North Pole the energy is in coming and at the South Pole the energy is predominantly out-flowing? We, as humans have a similar force field, a magnetic field around us, and in some senses we also have North and South polarities, we receive through our ‘crown’ chakra and release and ground through our feet.

      This beautiful picture is an artist’s depiction of the way the solar wind interacts with the angelic form of the magnetosphere of the Earth. On the dayside of the Earth, the magnetosphere is condensed and compacted as the solar wind pushes against it. It creates a ‘bow shock’ very much like a boat’s bow wave.


      We feel the shining presence of the Sun as it rises each day, it tugs at our consciousness to be up and on with life. It challenges us to be present in our bodies, to live life, to experience, to interact with the physical world around us; after all, what is the point of incarnating if we do not play with the material world within our physical vehicle. Enjoy all that comes your way - even the more uncomfortable experiences can be embraced and transmuted within the heart.

      On the night side of the Earth, the magnetosphere extends out into a long tail that stretches way out into space reaching further than the Moon. So at night-time we can rest and be in our dream bodies. Look at all the space within the magnetosphere on the night side - this is where we dream and play in other dimensions.

      Think back to the Hale-Bopp comet in 1997. Remember how we saw it was like a snowball hurtling through space with its long tail behind: this is how the Earth would look if we could see the action of the Solar wind on the magnetosphere.

      In May 1998 for a few days the solar wind was reduced to just a breeze and because it was so still it could be seen just how the flow of energised plasma particles enter the magnetosphere and how they flow out. At that time when the solar wind became a breeze, it was seen very clearly how the ‘breeze’ blew into the North Pole through a gateway, a magnetic cusp, where the magnetic force is not present. At the South Pole, charged particles were seen to be flowing out into the Magnetosphere to connect to inter-stellar space.

The Earth-plane is the place where physical forms manifest, enabling our spiritual consciousness and potentials to become embodied.

      By distilling the evidence from various scientific research we have deduced that Solar wind energy enters at the North Pole, flowing in and around the Earth and the Earth’s energy grids ~ in other words, the North Pole is the planetary crown chakra receiving the energetic quality from the whole solar system.

      At the South Pole energy flows out, much like our base chakra - it is the energy vortex through which we clear, and in our case it is our most fundamental connection into the Earth, whereas in the Earth’s case it connects to the rest of our galaxy, other star systems and beyond.

      This picture will give you an idea of the way the solar wind washes over our magnetosphere causing the day-side of the magnetosphere to be ‘squashed’ while on the night side a long tail of magnetic force-field layers stream out to a distance ~ even further than that of the Moon.

The Earth

      The Earth-plane is the place where physical forms manifest, enabling our spiritual consciousness and potentials to become embodied.

      The light and energy, flowing from the Sun sustains the Earth, and all of the life on it. We have seen how the solar particles and the energy of the Solar Wind flow into the Earth's magnetic field through the poles, carrying the energy from the Sun right into the magnetic, energetic and physical structure and core of the planet.

      The Earth moves around the Sun in an elliptical path ~ the Ecliptic. This creates the energetic field formed by the relationship between the Earth/Moon and the Sun. There is, as we will see later, constant dynamic energetic inter-action and communication between Earth and Sun, and indeed all the other planets and bodies in our system...and beyond.

      The Earth's rotational plane (Equator) is tilted at an angle of 23º in relation to the plane of the Ecliptic. So, the Earth's equator, extended into space, called the Celestial Equator, is also tilted at that angle in relation to the Ecliptic, the plane of Solar Consciousness.

      Our physical, Earth-based consciousness is "tilted" in relation to our spiritual, Solar-based consciousness. It is that very discrepancy and the resulting creative tension that gives rise to life and the evolution of consciousness.

The Obliquity of the Ecliptic

      Imagine the magnetic field of the planet as the densest aspect of a whole array of subtle energy bodies, surrounding and interpenetrating the physical body of the Earth. At particular times, the energy of the Solar wind aligns more powerfully through the medium of Earth's magnetic field into the physical and energetic structure of the Earth. Some of these alignment times are the crucial turning points in the creative cycles in Nature, and consciousness ~ the Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter days - Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasa, and Samhain in the Celtic tradition.