Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2005 and 2006 Their significance for the Planetary Energy Grids and Human Consciousness

Three major Solar Eclipses are occurring in 2005 & 2006, which will release patterns that have been held within human and planetary consciousness since the beginnings of human incarnation during the time of Lemuria, and the

catastrophic changes which occurred at the time of Atlantis.

Solar Hybrid “Lemurian” Eclipse - April 8 2005

The first of these is a “Hybrid” Eclipse, passing over the Pacific Ocean (ancient Lemuria or Mu). A Hybrid Eclipse is a rare event: due to the curvature of the Earth and the Moon’s distance from the Earth, the eclipse begins as an Annular Eclipse, still revealing a ring of light around the Moon’s disk, and focussing the point of the eclipse shadow just above the surface of the Earth. Then it becomes a Total Eclipse, as the shadow meets the Earth. Then it returns to being Annular again towards the end.

Energetically, this means that it is resonating into, and releasing from the etheric levels of the planet for the first part of the Eclipse; then during the phase of Totality, it is releasing shadow energies held within the Earth grids and the physical body of the planet, whilst simultaneously imprinting new frequencies; finally it is releasing and imprinting new patterns into the etheric levels during the last part of the Eclipse.

This Eclipse passes almost exclusively over the Pacific/Lemuria, beginning to the south of New Zealand and ending over Venezuela:

“The path of this event begins as an annular eclipse but it changes to total about 2200 km south of Tahiti. At maximum eclipse (20.36 UT), the duration of totality is 45 seconds. Unfortunately, the total portion of the track never crosses land. The path becomes annular again about 800 km west of Costa Rica. By the time the shadow reaches the coast of Costa Rica, the annular phase will already be 12 seconds and growing. After crossing Panama and Colombia, the central path ends in Venezuela where a 33 second annular eclipse will occur at sunset.” (From Fred Espenak’s Eclipse Page

The Hybrid nature of this Eclipse, passing over ancient Lemuria, is highly significant. Much channelled information and literature about Lemuria talks about it having been more etheric than physical and that it was during the end times of this phase of human evolution that the “Fall” into 3 rd dimensional, material existence began. Eclipses always have the potential to release old energy imprints and thought-feeling imprints from within the earth grids; this one is releasing patterns within our cellular memory, and the Earth grids, which have been held there since our descent into the material realms in Lemurian times; perhaps too, it foreshadows a return to our focus becoming more at the etheric levels of being.

Astro*Cartography of Solar Hybrid Eclipse
Astro*Cartography of Solar Hybrid Eclipse - 8 th April 2005

Planetary Astro*Cartography Lines in relation to Sacred Sites;

The sacred sites and planetary grids that will be “triggered” during the Maximum Totality phase of the Eclispe (20.36 Universal Time/GMT) are as follows: (west to east)

Pluto meridian passing through Tai Shan Mountain, China, and Sumbawa, Indonesia.

Chiron meridian passing through the Solomon Islands.

Neptune and Marsmeridians passing through New Zealand, close to the planetary Callanish/Gaia Goddess line, that passes through Lake Taupo – they will pass over this line a few minutes before Eclipse Maximum. Neptune is conjunct the star Sualocin in Delphinus, in the head of the Dolphin. Both Neptune and the Dolphin obviously have strong associations with the sea and with Unconditional Love. Mars conjunct Neptune suggests the need to act from a place of Unconditional Love, in order to avoid the more physically and psychologically overwhelming, illusory and destructive aspects of Neptune. Mars needs to act from a place of Unconditional Love, or it will lead us deeper into illusion.

Uranus Meridian passing through Akutan, Aleutians, Alaska. Uranus is re-awakening the grids that radiate out from the Aleutian islands, affecting the north Pacific and Hawaii.

Juno (asteroid) and Mercury meridians passing to the east of Hawaii, the planetary Alta Major Centre, the shamanic centre of the planet, connecting to the devic realms, and flowing simultaneously into all the Earth grids.

At 21.06 UT Juno, asteroid of soul relationship, and “soul contracts” will be imprinting over Halea’kala Crater on Maui.

At 21.24 UT Mercury. planet of the mind will imprint over Halea’kala Crater. Both of these contacts occur during the phase of Totality, the Eclipse becoming Annular at 22.00 UT.

Sun, Moon, Venus, Moon’s North Node meridians are passing off the west coast of the USA, having passed over Mount Shasta between 20.10 and 20.24 UT (13.10 – 13.24)

Vesta (asteroid) meridian (inner heart essence)has just passed over Rapa Nui / Easter Island, and is just about to pass over Sedona, Arizona, which lies right at the edge of the penumbral shadow of the Eclipse.

Saturn meridian is about to pass over Recife in eastern Brazil, the planetary chakra for the future Age on Capricorn in 2,320 CE approx. Saturn will be anchoring in frequencies for that future shift, just as Joseph of Arimathea anchored in the frequencies for the Aquarian Age at Glastonbury, at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.

Pallas Athene (asteroid) meridian, in fact the asteroid herself is directly above Aksum, Ethiopia, reputedly the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant – Pallas plays a particularly important role in this Eclipse – see below.

Jupiter meridian passing across the Iran/Iraq border and through Nasiriya.

Ceres (asteroid) meridian passing through Nepal and Calcutta.

Chart of Solar Hybrid Eclipse

April 8 2005 at 20.36 Universal Time

Eclipse Maximum: 10ºS 36´ 118º W 56’

near Garrett Fracture Zone, Pacific Ocean

Chart of Solar Hybrid Eclipse

The Astrological Patterns:

The main figures in this pattern is a red blue and green “Learning Figure”, consisting of:

Saturn in Cancer square Moon’s Node+Venus+Moon+Sun in Aries, all quincunx/inconjunct Ceres in Scorpio.

Star connections: Saturn at 20º 41’ Cancer iconjunct Castor (constellation Gemini) at 20º17’ Cancer.

Neptune at 17º 09’ Aquarius conjunct Sualocin (constellation Delphinus - the Dolphin) at 17º 26’ Aquarius.

Also, there is a T-square: Pallas 27º50’ in Virgo opposition Mercury 2º 17’ Aries+ Juno 27º24’ Pisces, squaring Pluto 24º28’ Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Centre within 2º. Pluto is also within 2º conjunct Ras Alhague, the healing star of Ophiuchus, the 13 th sign of the Serpent Bearer.

Pallas Athene at 27º 50’ Virgo is conjunct Alkaid (in Ursa Major) at 26º 59’ Virgo

The Learning Figure planets:

Saturn (12 th house), on the Ascendant, conjunct the star Castor. Saturn is clearly anchoring frequencies into Recife during this Eclipse and the next one on 3 rd Oct 2005 (see below). Recife is anchoring in energies for the Age of Capricorn, and has been featuring strongly in many of the Eclipses since August 1999.

As Saturn has been passing through Cancer, it has been bringing up issues of care and nurture at every level. Here it is conjunct Castor, carrying the more positive polarity of the twins, Castor and Pollux. This is about the need to focus on the positive aspects of the forms and structures that we create in order to take care of our world (inner and outer), and also to perceive the positive polarity behind the Shadow and any negative events, when they occur.

Castor is concerned with refinement, having affinities with Apollo, with Ahura Mazda (God of Light), with Horus, and with Christ. Saturn is about focus, and this Eclipse is about the need to focus on positive spiritual qualities; it is a healing Eclipse, healing patterns that were laid down in Lemurian times, and the Great Flood – it is no surprise then that we have been seeing floods causing devastation the world over, reminding us of those times, and giving us the opportunity to heal the deep scars within the collective human psyche as we meet the “echoes” of those ancient cycles and patterns.

The 12 th house/ascendant cusp position focuses on collective patterns, and in Cancer it is concerned with the spiritual and energetic realities lying behind the biological realities of this world. Hence it is bringing up issues such as GM food, cloning, abortion, environmental issues, and much more.

Saturn is in a position where we need to truly understand how to balance the inner and the outer, and to care for the physical in ways that are based in spiritual realities, not in dogma, blind belief, or unconscious fears.

The square aspect to the Sun, Moon, Node and Venus in Aries:

The Eclipse itself has Venus just passing its “superior” conjunction, and emerging from behind the Sun. Venus has moved half-way round her orbit since the well-publicised Venus Transit across the Sun on June 8 th 2004, when she was in “inferior” conjunction, between the Sun and Earth. The fact that she is now intimately involved in this eclipse cannot be without significance: There is a quality of spiritual renewal emerging into human relationships at this time, bringing a deep sense of needing to find our rightful individual place in the world and in the larger universe.

Familiar patterns, attitudes and expectations of relationship are being eclipsed, suggesting that we need to pioneer new ways of expressing Love, whilst allowing old, outmoded and dysfunctional attitudes to die; to go beyond our narrow ideas of where and to whom our responsibility to love lies – the quincunx to Ceres indicates that it lies with the whole of humanity and the whole planet, and being in Scorpio, it is the responsibility of each one of us to heal the darkness and pain of the planet, as we heal the darkness and pain within ourselves.

In order to do this, Ceres’ trine to Juno/Mercury indicates that this is achieved by recognising and acknowledging the spiritual reality of our own soul, and accepting the challenge of Pallas Athene and Pluto to live that inner reality with determination, self conviction and express it with power.

The T-square: Pallas opposition Mercury + Juno, squaring Pluto.

Pallas Athene and Alkaid

Pallas is conjunct the star Alkaid (also called Benatnasch) in Ursa Major (Great Bear/Big Dipper/Plough). The 7 stars of Ursa Major carry the frequencies of the 7 Rays (Rishis) of Divine expression/manifestation. Alkaid corresponds with the 1 st Ray of Divine Will or Power. One cannot help but notice the similarity of “Alkaid” to “Al-Qaeda”. The name “Alkaid” has a Moorish, hence Arabic origin. One of its meanings is “destroying”. The first Ray is connected with the power of Shiva, who destroys in order to re-create. The Great Bear is essentially connected with the Great Goddess or Divine Mother.

What we are seeing in the struggle between western civilisation and terrorism is the working out of a struggle that is occurring within consciousness as the Divine Feminine principle is returning to re-assert itself in the collective psyche.

Both the actions of the terrorists and the responses of the western world to those actions lack a true awareness and connection with the Divine Feminine principle (Love and Compassion). Both are exhibiting extremes of masculine use of power, without addressing the deep, internal, psychological and spiritual causes of the conflict – if this is not addressed, it will just get worse on both sides…because both sides believe that they are unequivocally in the right, both sides believe they have God / Allah on their side. Both sides are expressing the negative polarity of the First Ray, which is blind, unbudging fundamentalism.

The balancing factor here is the power and strength of the Feminine Principle, of compassion and wholistic intelligence applied to conflict. Just in case anyone should choose to misinterpret this, this is not to condone or excuse the actions of the terrorists; nor is it to condone or excuse the actions and policies of western governments that have tipped the balance so far that the terrorists feel that they have no alternative…the truth is that, at another level, the terrorists are simply enacting a response to the extreme materialistic and opportunistic behaviour of the west, and its loss of touch with spiritual realities.

Looked at from a deep psychological or spiritual perspective, Life acts like a holographic mirror, reflecting our inner patterns, in order for us to be able to see them and then change them – to keep attacking the mirror is futile, on both sides. The whole process is unconscious, driven by forces much deeper or more powerful than we might possibly imagine, or fully understand from our egoic human perspective.

Western civilisation has developed so far from any true collective connection with Great Spirit that the response is from an equally obsessive, fundamentalist and out of balance “belief” in an avenging Old Testament God, certainly not the God of Love expressed through the Christ…whatever happened to ”Love God, love your neighbour as yourself, love your enemies, forgive their transgressions 70 x 7 times” and so on. Not an easy thing to do given the circumstances, but nevertheless these principles, which lie at the heart of Christ’s teaching belie the aggressive, self-righteous actions of our western “Christian” leaders, and the half-truths which led them into war.

Both extremes are out of balance, and until a third factor (feminine heart-aligned intelligence, which has the ability to perceive and understand the whole picture) is engaged, then there will be no solution, and the destructive power of Shiva will continue to express itself through the terrorists and the western response, and the logical conclusion is that it will end in the destruction of western civilisation as we know it, and we will achieve the terrorists’ aims for them…which would be tragic.

It is already happening with the ever more extreme counter-terrorist measures that are now being taken world-wide, which are showing up how little true “democracy” we have, with the erosion of individual freedoms and human rights. The sad fact is that the response that the West is producing is actually in the throes of destroying the very principles of freedom and tolerance that it claims to hold most dear, and the tragedy is that by continuing to follow this course, the terrorists will win, because our response to their actions will destroy western civilisation as we know it. It would be wisdom not to let this happen.

So here, with Pallas Athene conjunct Alkaid, we have the opportunity to bring the clarity of Divine Feminine awareness to bear on the destructive aspects of the 1 st Ray, and through Pluto still within 2º conjunction of Ras Alhague, the healing star of Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer, it is possible to transform these potentials into wise planetary service. The solutions are by no means simple, and require the full scope of Pallas’ intuitive intelligence, wisdom and unusual, inspired and practical solutions to complex, and seemingly insurmountable problems – Pallas Athene sending off Perseus to kill the Gorgon was no picnic, and required a lot of wisdom, lateral thinking and divine help.

Pallas is in opposition to retrograde Mercury and Juno – Pallas’ intuitive thinking is in direct conflict with Mercury’s headstrong logic (it’s in Aries), which believes it is acting from a place of soul connection (Juno). Juno also carries all the past patterns of relationship that we have ever experienced, so if we just use the rational mind and memory of past hurts here, we will just repeat the same old dysfunctional patterns that got us all into this mess in the first place, all those thousands of years ago – how about trying something new?

Pallas Athene is directly over Aksum in Ethiopia, the last resting-place of the Ark of the Covenant. She can draw on the power of divine wisdom and the creative possibilities of aligning with the heart/mind, rather than the rational mind. She is focussing her spiritual wisdom and power in an area of the world where the creative power of the feminine, and her peace-making abilities, are sorely needed, and she needs to draw on the power of the Divine in order to find true and lasting solutions to the conflicts that are occurring in the world and within ourselves.

What is being eclipsed here is a pattern that was laid down a very long time ago, in Lemurian times, after the “Fall” into 3 rd dimensional “reality”, and the ensuing denial of the Divine Feminine principle that has endured for so long – the “Fall” was blamed on Eve, after all – this problem goes back a long way, and in spite of recent change in the relationship with the feminine principle, there is still a lot of negative patterning to release and heal from the deeper levels of the human unconscious.

Sun/Moon/Venus/Node opposition Jupiter, trine Mars Neptune

Jupiter’s (retrograde) opposition with Sun, Moon, Venus, Node is challenging our beliefs and attitudes about personal relationships, and about love. The trine from Jupiter to Mars and Neptune is calling us to be more inclusive, more unconditional, and to act from that place. Action from Unconditional Love and Compassion will be effective, whereas action purely from self-interest will lead to energy loss and disillusionment. Mars and Neptune are conjunct Sualocin in Delphinus, the Dolphin, bringing the healing energies of Love to the collective memory of the destructions by water that occurred in Lemuria some 25,000 years ago, and later in Atlantis 10,000 –12,000 years ago. Chiron, the healer/shaman is nearby in the same sign, Aquarius, bringing its healing energies to bear on these ancient and very deep fear patterns. Unconditional Love is bringing the balm that can heal these deep and ancient scars within the collective psyche.

The Astro*Cartography lines for Mars and Neptune are passing through the Pacific between New Caledonia and Fiji, and then down into south island New Zealand. They are resonating very closely into the Callanish/Gaia north-south great circle line, one of the planet’s main Divine Feminine meridian lines. This line holds some of the deepest aspects of the innermost heart qualities of the Divine feminine. It is focussed through Callanish in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, passing through Iona, and into Ireland, weaving through Newgrange and Tara, through the Isles of Scilly, ancient Lyonesse of Arthurian legend, and on into Spain, Gibraltar and Mali, West Africa. Mars (male warrior) energy is being called upon to act in alignment with the principles of Unconditional Love, to be a true spiritual warrior, to champion the inner heart qualities of the Divine feminine, and to re-focus these into this subtly powerful energy meridian for the entire planet.