Paul's VERY Sad Cave Diving And Climbing Page

Welcome to The South West Of England!.

Yes thats me, solo on ' All the Sixes ' E6 6C at Ped-ne-vounder Within these pages, and links, you will find individuals scaling new heights ( literally ), or trawling the depths of depravity, ( Most reduced to scraping the outside of the barrel ) just to get their kicks . I am a fairly active exponent of both disciplines. Aged 28 , therefore over the hill for a rock jock and too young to qualify with the Beardy men of the South Wales CDG, I was a civil servant, but now spend all of my time writing and climbing in various exotic locals, you know, Joshua tree , The Hindu Kush, Chudleigh?.. The page aims to be an information service for those in the OP world who aren't lucky enough to live here; and as a focus of bile and rebuke for those who do...
Is it an Alien? Have the X Files finally reached EVERY Page on the Web ? No it's me in Pridhamsleigh III, but don't try this at home..

Important Editorial Info and stuff...

At the moment most of the links don't go anywhere apart from to text files on my own machine! . Like most Spanish resorts, its still all under construction. Oh look! There go's a builders cleavage , and is that the sound of a jackhammer at six a.m etc..... I'm Busy Trying to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E all the info I can into the 500 Megs that the very nice man, Mark at Eclipse has given me. It will all be on line soon ( January 1996 ), and until then you will have to settle for looking at the forthcoming subject areas and sending me some rude E Mail about how the web is all not finished and links to other sad pages . well I don't care and you can call me Susan if it isn't so..







All Suggestions , contributions and general abuse will be happily acknowledged ( I am in possession of an insult generator ) Reach me at NB Though if its dry I'm just as likely to be dangling from a rock face, and when its dark outside , down some cold, wet, muddy hole. Lovely...

Local Climbing Venues

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UK Venues

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Caving in the SW and Wales
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Caving in the UK
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World of Climbing Sorry work commitments mean still under construction This page was produced using non recycleable greyhounds and the excellent HOTDOG