This August heralds two significant astrological events in the unfolding pattern of planetary and personal evolution.

The Full Moon was perceived as being of major significance by many different sources. There is no doubt that it will bring some profound changes in human consciousness.

August Full Moon
12.8.2003 at 04.49 GMT (UT) / 05.59 BST
Moon’s Meridian over Bimini and Tihuanacu, Bolivia
click on image for larger version

The Moon’s meridian line runs down the longitude of Bimini in the Bahamas, which has links to Atlantis, and the ancient seat of the Inca civilisation at Tihuanacu in Bolivia, said to have links with Lemuria.
The chart, which is nearly forming a six-pointed star, is focused around a Grand Trine, formed by Mars retrograde in Pisces (08º 54’), Saturn in Cancer (08º 38’) and Juno in Scorpio (09º 07’).

This marks a significant stage in the evolutionary process which was triggered by the Total Solar Eclipse on 11th August 1999 – then we saw Mars in opposition to Saturn, as part of the Grand Cross pattern - see our website at: – this opposition marked the beginning of the process of healing the shadow energies (eclipses always offer the possibility for shadow healing) generated by millennia of separation between the mother goddess principle and the male warrior principle, and reflected in the dysfunctional aspects of current relationships between the mother and the male child within the human psyche, particularly in western cultures that have lost any connection to spiritually focused male rights of passage ceremonies for the young male adult to separate from the world of the mother and be welcomed into the realm of the fathers.

The whole pattern of the emotionally immature male, unable to embrace their emotions as an adult and therefore unable to create emotionally healthy relationships, and unable to come into right relationship with the sacred nature of our planet, can be traced to the loss of such rites of passage, the ignorance of the fathers of these rites (they too were denied them), and the unwillingness of the mothers to fully let go and release the male child into adulthood.

At an unconscious level, the mothers know that their boys will not grow into emotionally mature men in the hands and society of other emotionally immature men, so they too perpetuate the pattern of men remaining emotionally as boys, and so becoming unable to relate to women as emotional equals.

But it goes much deeper and further back than that: it is rooted in the whole patriarchal view of the separation of spirit and matter, perpetuated by the patriarchal religions, but actually having its roots in the cataclysmic cosmic events which resulted in the tilt of the Earth to 23½º and the original “Fall” from the spiritual (Solar/Christic) dimensions into our present continuum, and the belief developed, or fostered by unenlightened beings, that we somehow have to struggle to return to our original Innocence and regain our Oneness. This is a big story and too long to be fully explored within the scope of this article, however it serves as a background to what is happening now at this crucial Full Moon.

To return to the significance of the Grand Trine between Mars, Saturn and Juno:

Now, Mars (male warrior) and Saturn (mother*/form-giver principle) come into a harmonious relationship through the agency of Juno, who carries the psychological-spiritual blueprint of Right Relationship from the soul’s perspective. This opens the possibility for the healing of Shadow energies and misaligned frequencies, which have resulted from aeons of this relationship being one of dysfunction and conflict.

So, the male warrior may again become the champion of the mother/goddess principle, depicted in the Arthurian myths, and understood by certain mystery schools, such as the Templars, whose original role was to keep the Earth energies aligned, before they became corrupted by power and greed (the Templars and the Earth energies!)

We are also seeing possibilities opening for this in current world situations, although it is largely being handled clumsily because of fear (Saturn) and vested self-interest.

From the perspective of “traditional” astrology and mythology, Saturn has been seen as Male – Cronos/Saturn who, mythologically eats his offspring, so that they will not overthrow him. As Archetypes change with the Ages, so too does the mythology associated with those archetypes. Saturn is essentially concerned with the creation of Form – this is a feminine quality of creation, the mother principle. (S)he is also an old Italian God of agriculture and harvest.

As we moved fully into the patriarchal era (Age of Aries), the mythology had to reflect that, and usurp the creative power of Saturn to make it appear as a male energy, which is reflected in the myth. Saturn as Shadow, hiding the truth of its nature has to hide the evidence, which may reveal it for what it is – a feminine force of creation and containment. Saturn gives birth to new forms, which is indisputably a feminine function. As that energy was being hijacked to make it into a masculine force, it became a distortion of the birth process, with Saturn re-absorbing his own children.

Who is the most likely to discover this secret if not his/her own children? It is in fact Saturn’s son, Jupiter/Zeus – a true male archetype - who escapes this fate, and tricks Saturn into vomiting up the rest of his children.

The polarity of Saturn got reversed within human consciousness…this can only have lead to confusion, chaos, fear and a deep psychological wound in the mind of western humanity which has been fed on these myths since Roman and Greek times.

Now it is up to Mars in its soul aspect to heal this wounding, and to restore the relationship between the spiritual warrior and the Goddess, which holds the key to the whole process of incarnation into the material realms, and approaching and understanding the physical world as being sacred.

The split created by this deception (and all that lies behind it) is clearly shown in the chart, which is split at the top into two distinct patterns:

One pattern contains Moon sextile Pluto, squaring Mercury, which is semi-sextile to Sun/Venus conjunct. This pattern concerns the struggle to become conscious (Mercury) at a feeling level (Moon) again about the creative power (Pluto) of the feminine (Venus)

The second pattern contains Uranus, sextile Pallas, sextile Ceres, sextile Jupiter. This “Cradle” pattern holds the gestation process of the intuitive/creative (Uranus/Jupiter) levels of the mind reabsorbing the wisdom (Pallas) and spiritual nurture (Ceres) of the feminine (Goddess) energy.


The involvement of Mars in this pattern is doubly significant as we near the closest approach of Mars to the Earth for 60,000 years, according to NASA.
“Much has been made of the fact that the August 27th encounter with Mars is the closest in some 60,000 years. Neanderthals were the last to observe Mars so favorably placed. This is true. It's also a bit of hype. Mars and Earth have been almost this close many times in recent history.
Some examples: Aug. 23, 1924; Aug. 18, 1845; Aug. 13, 1766. In each case Mars and Earth were approximately 56 million km apart.”
For previous Perihelic Oppositions of Mars, 1608—2035, see:

HONOLULU, HAWAII AT 00.11AHST (Alaska-Hawaii Time)
(10.11 Universal Time / 11.11 BritishSummerTime)
click on image for a larger version

The time and Location (Hawaii) chosen for this chart is significant because of the Astro*Cartography alignments of the planetary meridians over the world’s major sacred sites at that time. There are many other times during the day where significant alignments occur. Clearly the whole day (and the days around it) all have significance. This one seems to be the most crucial time and the places for grounding the positive aspects of these planetary energies, for those who wish to focus through prayer, meditation and ceremony at sacred sites.
(Click here for suggested Planetary Meditation)

The key figure in this chart is the “Kite” pattern, with the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Pisces on the Midheaven (MC), which will be true for most locations around the world just after midnight Local Time.
Mars/Uranus is in opposition to the Moon (Leo)/Jupiter/Sun/Venus (Virgo) stellium (conjunction).
The “wings” of the Kite are held by Ceres/Saturn conjunct in Cancer and Vesta in Scorpio.

Mars and Uranus form the “tail” of the Kite, which at this time of day will be descending to Earth. They are bringing the energy of breakthrough and release from the old Piscean Age destructive patterns of the warrior, and a return to alignment with the Wise Man archetype and the wisdom of the Ancestors and the Grandfathers.

Mars is also conjunct the stars Deneb Adige in Cygnus the Swan, and Fomalhaut in Piscis Australis –this is the Southern Fish, who drinks the water flowing from the urn of Aquarius the Water Bearer. Fomalhaut is the brightest (alpha) star of this constellation. The ancient Greeks aligned temples to Demeter with the rising of Fomalhaut, so it has been concerned with Goddess wisdom, new life and fertility. The role of Mars here, as it comes closer to the Earth is to bring the seeds of the emerging wisdom of the Aquarian Age, and to return to Earth the positive, creative frequencies of Mars energy embodied through the focused and spiritually aligned personal will.

Fomalhaut was known as one of the four Royal Stars of Persia, each of which represents a trial or test (Brady). It calls on the individual to challenge mainstream thinking and accepted ideals in order to reach a deeper and purer ideal. With Mars and Uranus involved this is concerned with challenging the methods applied universally towards the resolution of conflicts, both internal and external. Uranus brings the capacity to cut through to the core of the issue.

Deneb Adige is the alpha star of Cygnus. It is “a very subtle star associated with the strength and hostility of the swan, but at the same time holding within its symbolism the mystic, transcendent qualities of shamanistic legends of the creation of the World Egg” (Brady’s Fixed Stars).

Aligned with Mars in this way, it represents the heroic journey of the spiritual warrior towards self-awareness. The alignment with Uranus opens the way for this journey to be experienced universally by the whole of humanity. The key with Uranus is that we can choose to embrace change willingly, or be thrust into it – either way, there is an inevitability about it.

Both Mars and Uranus are retrograde, which further emphasises the need for release from the old patterns, dating back from at least the last 60,000 years, and bringing the opportunity to respond differently from how we have done during previous Mars approaches to the Earth in that time frame.

This opposition is challenging each of us to express the most noble aspects and qualities of our emotional self. The Moon is conjunct Regulus, the alpha star, which represents the heart of the Lion, Leo. This is another of the 4 Royal Stars of Persia. Regulus demands that we express the highest levels of integrity in order to achieve success – its worst danger is that we might be tempted to act out of revenge, which we have been witnessing in many countries globally, and particularly in the Middle East.

It is as if Mars is saying we each have to find a different way to resolve ancient conflicts, and to release all the accumulated karmic hurts and resentments that have been going on since time immemorial. The key to this is to maintain a nobility of spirit and courage through which we may rise above our identification with our personal issues and gain an overview (Jupiter) in order to see how we each individually can come back into a state of harmony (Venus) and loving acceptance of one another. This is true at a personal as well as collective level.

The conjunction of Sun with Moon, Venus and Jupiter is bringing a softening to the Mars male energy. It demands that we find the ways to express our will and our wants on a day-to-day basis, with gentleness, love and compassion. Uranus is letting us know very quickly if we step out of alignment with this, and gives a short sharp cosmic slap to bring us back to that alignment. The Swan is aware of both its power and its beauty – it has no need to prove anything, nor does the Lion. Simply by being who we are, in our most noble, focussed and self-contained expression is enough to gain the respect and love of those around us.

The two “wings” of the Kite are held by Ceres conjunct Saturn in Cancer, and Vesta on the cusp of Libra/Scorpio.

These planets and asteroids represent the qualities necessary for the Kite to be able to “fly”, to reach its goal, which is to bring release from the old imprinted patterns and bring the new Mars/Uranus frequencies to Earth.
On the one hand Saturn and Ceres require that we see beyond the forms and structures and entrenched patterns of Saturn to reach for the spirit or essence that lies behind them, and allow ourselves to be spiritually nourished and held by the underlying Life-force of the Divine feminine (Ceres). The importance of our recognition and connection with the feminine spiritual essence of the Earth cannot be over-emphasised here. Time to let go of neediness and mother issues to open to the loving embrace of the whole of life.

So much of the distorted and destructive expression of Mars’ warrior energy in the past has stemmed from a lack of a true, loving understanding of the sacred nature of the Planet’s consciousness, and the attitude that survival depends on pitting ourselves against Nature, rather than co-operation with Her.

This process requires forgiveness of self and others, and the willingness to soften and release these ancient held patterns and judgements, at the deep soul level, where they are rooted – this requires that we delve deeply enough to go beyond our conscious beliefs, and acknowledge the core patterns and imprints that have been held in our soul for millennia.

Vesta is calling each person to align with the creative fire of their Life-force, remain true to their innermost integrity, and listen to the quiet voice of their heart in order to follow the truth of their own being….it is not about taking anyone else’s word for it any more, unless there is a deep resonance within your own soul.

Asteroid Pallas Athene, opposing Vesta forms a “Mystic Rectangle” pattern, which “grows” out of the “Kite”. Pallas’ role here is to step back from oneself and examine one’s beliefs, no matter how dear they may be, and test them against the reality of our experience now. Pallas in Aries is about being ruthlessly honest with self and others in order to discern whether the “reality” which we hold to be true in our hearts, is in fact a true perception of a larger spiritual Reality, or merely some sort of romantic or idealised wishful thinking.


Where the Men Stand
by Oliver Hurd-Thomas

There is a place, where the men stand,
High up, on the hill
Looking out.

The rivers, the woods, the fields and flowers
spread below them.
The wind, what wind there is,
moves gently amongst them,
And the sun, blessed sun,
kisses their backs.

No one speaks.
Each man is looking out
across creation.

No one speaks.
If you could see them there
you would not question their decision.

I have stood there
Amongst them on that hill
And I know what brings them -

The sweet, inexpressible knowledge
That in all this,
In all this beauty
There is a place,
High up on that hill,
Where the men stand.

So do not ask yourself
Or listen to the clattering voices that make each step a decision.
Take the forest path and climb

And take your place
High up, on that bright hill.

They are waiting.

(10.11 UT / 11.11 BST / 12.11 CET / 06.11 EDT / 04.11 MDT / 03.11 PDT)
Click on image for a larger version

This is the moment when the North/South Meridians (MC) of the Uranus/Mars conjunction begin their transit over the Hawaiian islands, which is the most significant energy portal (Royle Point) for imprinting and downloading planetary energies into the Earth grids.

Within a few minutes of this, other significant alignments occur:
Pallas Athene meridian (MC) passes over Teotihuacan Sun and Moon temples, Mexico.
Moon’s North Node MC passing over Nazca Plains and Caral, Peru (having passed over Macchu Picchu and the sacred Valley of the Incas a few minutes before.

Ceres/Saturn conjunction MC’s passing over Ruta, N. Atlantic, the area of the most sacred area of Atlantean temples, the codings of which were transferred to the Orkney Islands, Scotland (Ref: William Buehler) Imprinting Divine feminine frequencies into the site which was destroyed through excessive use of Divine masculine power.

Jupiter/Moon conjunction MC’s passing over Crete, birthplace of Zeus/Jupiter!
Sun MC passing over isle of Rhodes, which lies on the Apollo/Athene Dragon line (The Dance of the Dragon by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller). Rhodes was sacred to Helios, the Sun god, represented by the famous Colossus.

The Sun’s meridian also passes over Ephesus and Priene (site sacred to Pallas Athene), in Turkey.
Venus MC passing over Pyramids of Giza, and temple sites along the Nile - Karnak, Luxor etc. Again, imprinting feminine Love frequencies into sites that became overly masculine in their focus.
Mercury MC passing over Kuwait and eastern Iraq – focussing the attention of the world here again.
Vesta MC passing over Mt Kailas, Tibet and Allahabad, India - site of the Kumbh Mela festival in 2001. Grounding Spiritual Love frequencies.
Juno MC passing over the site of 2000 temples at Bagan, Burma – frequencies of Right Relationship, direly needed in that country.
Pluto MC just passed over Uluru, Australia – Pluto’s energy of spiritual will runs from the deepest levels of the Earth’s energy to the highest aspects of the spiritual realms. Uluru is the perfect place to hold and ground these transformative frequencies for the entire planet.
Chiron MC passing over Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Australia and Bougainville, Solomon Islands.
Neptune MC passing over Tonga Islands, S. Pacific/Lemuria. Neptune imprinting its purifying, cleansing energies into the largest Ocean on earth through the remnants of the Lemurian civilisation.

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at the Individual and Planetary Levels
ON 27.8.2003 AT 00.11 AHST (ALASKA-HAWAII TIME) - 10.11 GMT/UT
- 11.11 BST (UK & IRELAND) –
- 12.11 CET (W.EUROPE) – 13.11 EET (E. EUROPE) -
- 06.11 EDT – 05.11 CDT - 04.11 MDT - 03.11 PDT (USA) -
- 18.11 AWST – 19.41 ACST - 20.11 AEST (AUSTRALIA) -