On 1st November 1977, the discovery of an apparently minor planetoid between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus heralded the emergence into collective consciousness of a new Archetype of the Healer ~ Chiron. This discovery brought with it a dawning collective awareness of subtle energies, the upsurge of a universal interest in all forms of energy medicine, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, healing, flower remedies, and countless others. Its discovery woke us up to the reality of the human etheric energy body ~ the "Rainbow Bridge" to our spiritual bodies, and the higher consciousness to which they connect us.

      In May 1983 the first aspect (quincunx 150°) since Chiron's discovery occurred between Chiron and Pluto. This heralded the first conscious awareness of the possibility for global healing on personal and planetary levels.


      On 17th June 1983, at 15.52 Universal Time (UT) Chiron conjuncted Alcyone in the Pleiades, for the first time since Chiron's discovery. This is the star of Individuality, and conscious Mind, which governs humanity. Chiron (and the human energy body) received this aspect of Pleiadean imprinting and healing back into our Solar system, in preparation for the current global awakening. The chart for this moment reveals a perfectly balanced 9-pointed star, comprising three Grand Trines. Nine is a number of completion, and a similar pattern was to repeat itself on 12.12.99, just 18 days (1+8=9) before Chiron conjuncted Pluto on 30.12.1999.(see below).

Click on the image to enlarge


Now we jump forward in time to more recent events.

       On August 11th 1999 millions of people across Europe, through the Middle East to India, witnessed a powerful and very significant Total Solar Eclipse. This Eclipse marked the beginning of the process of dissolution of old Piscean Age archetypes, and preparation for the seeding of Aquarian Consciousness into the Earth. This completed its first stage on 25/12/2000, when the last of four partial eclipses in that year, occurred over the North Pole on Christmas Day, with the conjunction of Pluto and Ceres (see below).






      The patterns formed by the Geo-centric (Earth / Personality-centred) chart, and the Helio-centric (Sun / Spirit-centred) charts for the Eclipse hold an exquisitely beautiful and profound symmetry. The Grand Cross pattern of the Geocentric chart suggests the tension and challenges presented by this eclipse; the challenge to release old patterns, psychological archetypes and ways of being, particularly the old patriarchal ways, and the destructive patterns of the male warrior. It also brought the challenge to stand in the true power of one's spiritual individuality.

      The Six-pointed Star of the Heliocentric chart indicates profound levels of Divine Grace which were available at this time, and the possibility to surrender to this in order to resolve the tensions of the Geocentric (personality) chart, and move into a truer expression of the spirit.

      On a personal and global scale, this was the moment of the conception of the new archetypes for the Aquarian Age, within human and planetary consciousness. The Piscean Age was literally being eclipsed as the eclipse path passed over the countries responsible for the major religions and philosophies of the last 2000 years of the Piscean Age. To illustrate this, we must look at the Astro-Cartography for the Eclipse.


      Astro-Cartography depicts the relative positions of the planets above the surface of the Earth for any given event / birth. The interaction between the planetary positions and the Earth´s energy grids, ley lines and sacred places can, when focussed consciously, help to create changes in the Earth energy, and imprint new planetary encodings and frequencies into the Earth grids. This encoding process becomes particularly important during an eclipse: as the eclipse shadow passes over the surface of the Earth, the energy lines over which the shadow passes, temporarily "power down" - this can be verified through dowsing. All that remains active are the basic North/South grid lines running between the magnetic poles of the Earth. It is these N/S meridian grid lines into which the planets imprint their encodings as they pass overhead. (See diagram on next page).

      Several researchers have concluded that at the end of each Great Age (Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius etc.), the energetic centre that holds the focus for that Age, shifts approximately 30° to the West. Thus 2000 years ago at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, the Christian and Islamic era, the focus clearly was over the Middle East, focussed into Jerusalem and Mecca through Jesus and Mohammed.

      During the Eclipse of 1999, it appeared that the energy focus shifted from this area in the Middle East to the British Isles, Glastonbury, Stonehenge and Avebury, lying approximately 30° west of Jerusalem, also into the two major energy centres of Ireland, Tara and Uisneach. This eclipse passed over all of the countries, which had given birth to the major religions and philosophies (and secular and religious wars) of the last 2000 years. These patterns held within human consciousness and within the energy structures of the Earth, were literally being "eclipsed" by the arrival of new archetypes into planetary consciousness. Countless people who witnessed the eclipse would testify to the profoundly moving effect that it had on them, including many who would not normally give thought to such matters.

      At the beginning of the August ´99 eclipse, the Meridian lines of the Sun and Moon were slightly to the east of Mecca. As the Earth turned, they passed rapidly over Jerusalem. Twenty minutes before the end of the eclipse, the Sun meridian was over Glastonbury, and the Moon meridian over Stonehenge and Avebury. At the moment the eclipse ended with its shadow in the Indian Ocean, the Sun meridian was over Uisneach, the ancient spiritual and energetic centre of Ireland, and the Moon meridian was over Tara, the site known as the seat of the ancient kings, but which is the ancient centre of the Sun Goddess, Grainne.



       Added to this amazingly orchestrated synchronicity, the eclipse occurred just a few months after Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst, with Vivienne Shanley and Ba Russell had completed their 10 year project of dowsing the Apollo/Athene dragon line running from Skellig Michael, off the coast of SW Ireland, to Israel. (See their amazing book - The Dance of the Dragon). Effectively they had, just in time for the eclipse, opened the earth meridian, which was to be involved in the transfer of the Piscean Age archetypes from the Middle East, to the Aquarian Age archetypes in the British/Irish Isles. The Apollo/Athene line just clips the SW tip of Ireland; it also passes through St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, England which lay on the path of totality of the August '99 eclipse. This eclipse would therefore have re-encoded the whole of the Michael/Mary dragon line passing through England, and notably, Glastonbury and Avebury. Then, towards the end of the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon meridians passed over Stonehenge, which receives planetary, cosmic and galactic encodings directly, "downloading" them into the Stonehenge energy line.

This flows northwards to tweak the tail of the Avebury serpent avenue at Knoll Down, flowing from there into the central circle and the Michael/Mary dragon line.




(at 12.36, they also pass over Uisneach and Tara)
For the full and detailed sequence of planetary events and sacred site encodings during this 1999 Eclipse, visit our website: www.bigfoot.com/grandeclipse

After the conception point of the Eclipse, there followed a 9-month gestation period, leading up to the major alignment of planets in Taurus on May 3rd - 5th 2000




      December 12th 1999 12:12 Heliocentric 9-pointed Star echoes the geocentric enneagram of the Chiron /Alcyone conjunction in 1983. A completion of a cycle at the Spiritual level, yet to manifest fully within the human personality. This figure depicted the possibility for the grounding of Aquarian ideals and intuitive knowledge (Uranus in Aquarius) into the concrete / rational mind (Mercury in Libra), and its manifestation into the worlds of duality (Earth in Gemini).


      This mental level activity was counterbalanced by the rising of the kundalini flame into the heart (Vesta in Scorpio) to bring the emotional energies of the male (Mars) and female (Pallas) warriors into balance, expressing through love. The third triangle depicts the possibility for the re-balancing of the divine masculine (Jupiter) and divine feminine (Juno) through love (Venus) that is grounded into the physical reality (Ceres). An amazing potential. The next task was to find the way to ground all this into the human psyche and into reality.

      This process of grounding began on December 30th 1999 with the Chiron~Pluto geocentric conjunction. This conjunction last occurred in 1941, before Chiron was "discovered", therefore it's energies at that time were unconscious, and manifesting through their shadow aspect, bringing to the surface the destructive aspects of humanity's relationship with power, and the need to heal that. This time, the conjunction brought to the surface the awareness of humanity's separation from personal spiritual power. This conjunction heralded the beginning of the process allowing the healing of our collective "wounding" at the personality level, and the challenge to begin to reclaim our spiritual power, wherever we might have projected that out or given it away.


      This conjunction occurred whilst Chiron was passing through the constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder, the healer of the heavens. So, here we experienced the re-empowerment (Pluto) of the healer within our solar system (Chiron) as it passed through the constellation of the cosmic healer - Ophiuchus. This process was to continue to work out and ground more fully into consciousness throughout 2000 and 2001 as Mars also conjuncted Chiron in this sign.


      ON NEW YEAR'S EVE 1999, we then witnessed the whole planet, mostly unwittingly, celebrating and embracing the healing energy of Chiron/Pluto into our hearts. To witness this event as it unfolded around the world was a clear expression of these energies; it gave a great depth of meaning to an otherwise arbitrary date, based on an inaccurate calendar, and an inaccurate date for the birth of Christ (widely accepted now to be 6 or 7 BCE)

      FEBRUARY 5TH 2000: The first of 4 Partial Eclipses this year. This was one over the South Pole. A wake-up and releasing from the subtle body of the Earth (and us) of the old patterns which have been perpetuating the split in human consciousness. Beginning of Chinese New Year ~ Year of the Dragon (the most auspicious sign.)



      This beautiful Grand Trine figure brought a balanced expression of personality and soul-centred love (Venus and Juno) into alignment with the possibility to integrate the kingly and warrior aspects of the masculine (Jupiter and Mars) in the body (Saturn), and the expression of this through the mind (Mercury and Earth). The conjunction of Vesta, Chiron and Pluto offered the opportunity for the mind and higher mind to embrace the healing energies of the spiritual will, and their integration into the heart




      The birthing and grounding of the new archetypes into the human personality and psyche at the mental, emotional and physical levels. The Chiron/Pluto conjunction acts upon the personality planets, to begin the process of integration over the next 18 months. Mars aligns with the Pleiades, bringing the clear energy of Higher mind to bear on the male warrior consciousness. The beginning of the transformation of this often destructive energy.


      7th - 8th The first CONJUNCTION of three, between JUNO AND URANUS, awakening us to the possibility of soul union, ie: union with our soul and the releasing of old patterns of soul relationship archetypes and imprints, which we are carrying from past life experiences of relationship, and the imprinting received from our own parents. This year involved the stripping away of these imprints in order to reveal our true individual model of soul relationship.

      MAY 28TH - JUPITER AND SATURN CONJUNCTION This conjunction occurs every 20 years. Aligning the vision perceived in the higher mind with the physical reality. The possibility for the realisation of our personal vision, and the confrontation with the obstacles and attitudes which stand in the way of the realisation of our vision, and the opportunity to fully ground the possibilities inherent in the Pluto/Chiron conjunction, over the next 20 years.

      June 23rd Jupiter and Saturn conjunct heliocentrically (Sun centred). The energy of the new vision can begin to ground.

      July 1st Second Partial Solar Eclipse over South Pole. Jupiter exactly conjunct Alcyone in Pleiades. Pleiadean energy imprints Photon light frequencies from Galactic Centre into the Higher Mind ~ Jupiter as our bridge to Stellar and Galactic consciousness.


      It was in the early spring of that year, if you looked up at the sky on a clear night, you would see Orion the Hunter and to the right, Pleiades; then just to the right of that ~ were Saturn and Jupiter. As we watched those two planetary beings over the next weeks and months they moved closer and closer together until, on May the 28th 2000, they became exactly conjunct at 22 degrees 43 minutes in Taurus at about 14:45 Universal Time (U.T.)

      This was a geocentric conjunction, which means that, from the Earth´s perspective these two planets aligned very close to each other. The alignment of these planetary giants is a feature within our Solar system that occurs approximately every 20 years. From the Sun´s perspective (heliocentrically) the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurred on the 23rd June year 2000.

      Saturn holds form; she is the mother creator, enabling cognition and structure; she brings consciousness into form allowing us to bring spirit into matter. Jupiter is a small Sun in potential and large being, receiving, transducing and magnifying. He fires our aspirations; he is the arrow that carries our noblest intentions to the heavens. Between the orbit of Jupiter and Mars lie a multitude of small rocks known as the Asteroid belt. This belt of thousands of small ´planets´ marks the boundary between the inner and outer planets of the solar system.

      The 4 largest of these are, in order of size; Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno and Vesta; all four embody different aspects of the feminine principle. They act as a bridge between the inner and outer solar system. Interstellar messages flow into the Heliosphere and pass through the orbital gateways of these planets. Jupiter is the innermost outer planet and Mars is the outermost inner planet of our solar system.


      Check this out: this figure is a scaled down model of the mean orbits of Saturn and Jupiter, around the Sun. The outer circle is Saturn´s orbit and the inner is Jupiter´s orbit. In the same scale, if two Moon diameters are equivalent to the mean orbit of Jupiter, then the Earth´s diameter is equivalent to the orbit of Saturn. (ref. The Harmony of the Spheres by Ofmil C. Haynes published by Wooden Books)


      There is also a Sun, Moon, Earth relationship that happens every 19.8 years - this links to the "Saros" cycle of Eclipses and the Moon Node cycles. There is no doubting that there is something of the same quality of relationship between the Moon and the Earth and between Jupiter and Saturn ~ this is how it works:

      The Moon continually weaves her energetic web around us, protecting and transmuting; she is the "ring-pass-not", she is our protector, she downloads energies so that we can handle them, she holds the Earth on it rotational axis´s and prevents this "top" from wobbling off into a cataclysmic spin.

      As we humans are birthed into this world, the energetic imprinting of the lunar nodes gives the overlying and underlying direction for the whole of our lives, past, present and future. Could the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn be bringing in a whole new dynamic to the Earth and our Solar system at this time? It happens every 20 years, so why was this conjunction so special?

      Well, first of all it was year 2000 and it was the year of the Dragon. The start of the Year of the Dragon was marked by the Partial Solar Eclipse over the South Pole on the 5th Feb ~ that has to be rare occurrence.

      We also have the line up of inner planets on the 4th May that also happens very rarely, especially occurring exactly 9 months after an 11:11 Total Solar Eclipse. So what was so special about these times? We´ve got two Partial Solar Eclipses this July, one on the 1st July over the South Pole and one on the 31st July over the North Pole.


       This is a South Pole eclipse, it is total in the Auric body of the Earth and partial to observers on the ground. The point of totality in a partial eclipse releases the same type of energy from the subtle body of both planetary and human consciousness.

      Partial eclipses also have the effect of opening up the Auric field of the Earth, opening up the magnetosphere to allow energy to flow in, as in the case of the north Pole eclipses. Interestingly, the axial North and south Poles are not in the same places as the magnetic poles, which are located a few degrees off the axial poles.. the magnetic North/South pole have been observed to move over time in the direction of the axial Poles, perhaps our subtle energy body is moving into alignment with our physical body~ that should make it easier for us to ´be here´. A report from the indigenous people of Alaska (close to the magnetic North Pole) talked about how they were seeing Angelic beings coming into the Earth in the Winter of year 2000.


      Turn the picture around and we have a North Pole eclipse, Partial on ´dry land´ but total in the Magnetosphere.

      So what was it with these two partial eclipses in July that make them so special? There are thirty degrees in an astrological sign - 12° x 30° = 360° a complete circle. Each astrological sign is an archetype, a vast thought form. If a planet or star is at around 29° or 1° of a sign they are at a point where in some sense they are free from the imprint of the archetype, their energy can in a very pure, uncoloured way flow into the centre. These are the cuspal points. Alcyone, a ´fixed star´ in Pleiades is located at 29° 59´ Taurus, right at the gateway point between two signs.

      On the 1st July 2000 at 19:32 U.T- at the moment of greatest Partial Solar eclipse (with Jupiter still in conjunction with Saturn), Jupiter within a few minutes of arc, is conjunct Alcyone, the central star of Pleiades (The Seven Sisters). Why are Pleiades called the seven sistersÉsome other time ~ but I think you get the drift?

      On 31st July at 02:13 U.T., this time the partial eclipse was over the North Pole, Jupiter and Saturn are still in conjunction by about four degrees, and Saturn is now conjunct Alycone.

      We have checked this out and can find no other time in the last two thousand years when these two magnificent planets were conjunct in Taurus at 29° 59´, and combined with a solar or lunar eclipse.

      Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct with each other and Pleiades only twice in the last two thousand years, once round about the 5th May 1206 and again between the 4th July and the 20th July 0411.

      We probably don´t need to say any more but if you need more convincing of the importance of these events then let us spell it out.

      The 26th of July is the start of the Mayan calendar. Some people including us have just an inkling that the Mayans were and are interconnected with Pleiades. The Mayan lineage is to the Pleiades.

      These two planets, Jupiter and Saturn focus energy into the solar system, they step it down in frequency so that it can be used. We would suggest that this Pleiadean energy focus, is beaming right into dear old mother earth and her two-leggeds, her four-leggeds, and into every atom of this planet at this time.

We witnessed the EARTHING of a very special energy during these two partial eclipses.

      At the moment of the greatest eclipse on the 1st July, Alcyone (Pleiades) imprints through the North/South energy grid system, in conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn, right into Maui (Hawaii). Hawaii is said by some to be equivalent to the Royle (Alta Major) chakra in our in our own energy system; it lies at the base of our skull, and when energy comes into this point it directly imprints into all the subtle body matrix ~ the same with the Earth.

JULY 16TH      Lunar Eclipse

JULY 26TH      Mayan New Year begins

JULY 31ST      Partial Solar Eclipse over North Pole. Saturn conjunct Alcyone in the Pleiades. Grounding of Pleiadean healing consciousness into the physical and cellular structure of the body and the Earth.

AUGUST 7TH      Heliocentric Juno~Uranus conjunction. Direct experience of the energy of our soul.

AUGUST 18TH      Juno~Uranus retrograde conjunction (geocentric). Confrontation with the patterns which inhibit the true expression of our soul's spiritual qualities.

NOVEMBER 8TH      Final Juno~Uranus conjunction, also Vesta~Neptune conjunction. Completion of soul relationship awakening, and connection of spirit, soul and heart to the energy of surrender and Unconditional Love ~ forgiveness.

DECEMBER 12TH      Vesta~Uranus conjunction. (One contact only) Quickening and collective awakening of the heart chakra.

DECEMBER 24TH      CERES~PLUTO CONJUNCTION at 13° 31´ Sagittarius. Grounding the healing power of the Divine Feminine aspect of Christ consciousness into the physical body and the Earth.

DECEMBER 25TH      Greatest Eclipse at 17.37 UT Partial Solar Eclipse over North Pole. Imprinting and grounding new aspects of Christ consciousness into the collective soul of humanity.


      The conjunction of Ceres and Pluto, coinciding with this eclipse on Christmas Day over the North Magnetic Pole, allowed the empowered aspect of the divine feminine aspect of Christ consciousness to return into the planetary energy-body, removing the encodings which had been inhibiting this. The other major conjunction between Uranus, Venus and Vesta acted the catalyst to collectively open the heart chakras of many beings, enabling them to be receptive to the incoming Aquarian archetypes.


Click here for section two: SIGNIFICANT ASTROLOGICAL EVENTS IN 2001