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October 1997

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Human Evolution
- The Five and Six pointed Stars

by Phil Young

Pragmatically speaking the first step in the usage of the understanding of human evolution as outlined in the first part of this article on the five and six pointed star is to evaluate at what stage in the process a client (and even you yourself) is currently working with. The value of this is enormous in that it can give you a sense of the fundamental position, I might even say problem, that the client is struggling with. One should not underestimate the potency of the struggles that arise at each stage of human evolution as they form the basic context or background to all the physical and emotional problems that might arise. To put it another way this model of evolution with all its difficulties at each stage is the meta-level of experience that defines or shapes all the other levels and modes of experience and expression.

This understanding of the clients basic issue can be used to guide the energetic direction of the verbal communication and facilitation process. I don't intend to spell out in detail the kind of interventions relevant at each level as you should endeavour to understand the process through your own experience, thought and deliberation. However, as an example, a person at the stage of dualism (symbolised by two lines) can be evincing an enormous amount of turbulent energy in their life style constantly shifting position yes I will - no I won't, yes I will - no I won't. Alternatively they could have reached a stage where the two polarities have effectively neutralised each other. The energy level in this case is much lower. What is required in either case is the creation of another energetic centre or organising principle around which their life can begin revolve in a more fluid pattern. A reconciliation of either the turbulent energy or the stagnation of opposition into a trinity of thought, emotion and action. Let us say you have a client whose conflict primarily revolves around a relationship in terms of should they end it or should they stay with it and work on the issues. In this case it is important to move above the level of the "will I - wont I" issues and the various arguments that are involved in the support of each position. The need is to move the whole situation to a higher level, to the meta-level of relationships. To consider what the whole function of relationships is in human life and to view the specific issues from a higher level of perception and organisation.

To illustrate the idea of a metal-level imagine that you travel to work by car, an old rather unreliable car, but you can't afford to change it. Repairs are becoming more difficult, parts are hard to find and expensive. You find yourself thinking of all the difficulties the car causes you when it is not running. Yet sometimes it will run well and you really are rather fond of it but you never know from day to day whether it will get you to work or not. If it does not run you often take the day off rather than go in late. Should you change the car or should you keep it. You certainly need it to get to work. You find yourself caught in an ongoing polarised loop around the issue of 'my car' unable to resolve it one way or another. To begin to resolve this conflict you can move to the meta-level of the issues around the car. The meta-level of the car is "transport". When you move your conscious to this level you can consider that the car is fundamentally a method of transport, a way of getting from A to B. When you shift to this level you realise that within this grouping called 'transport' that there are many ways of doing that off which a car is only one, there are bicycles, trains, feet, motorbikes, buses and other people can transport you. Suddenly you have many options and energy is freed from the circular loop and is able to begin to move in new directions.

To return to our example and to discover what the meta-level of relationships we can consider the following question; what is the function of relationships? In actuality relationships have multiple functions so we could probably come up with a number of different meta-levels appertaining to the example. For simplicity the meta-level I am going to suggest here is 'community', an even higher level might be 'society' as the meta-level of community but this is probably too high a level to be useful therapeutically. When we consider 'community' we are talking of the whole group of relationships that exist in everyone's life, relationships with life partners, friends, parents, children, colleagues at work and so forth. In many ways the grouping of all a persons relationships into a community is a description of their life. If you help the client to focus at this level it is possible to open out their perception to other possibilities. If the basic issue is one of unmet needs within the problem relationship then by shifting to the meta-level we can begin to explore this issue throughout the persons life as a whole. Suppose the baseline problem is one of intimacy, the client experiences a certain a lack of intimacy with their life partner. By using the meta-level you begin to explore this issue in all their other relationships. You will discover in what other relationships intimacy is obtainable, at what level that intimacy exists and the degree of satisfaction it offers. By looking at all the other relationships what you and the client might discover is that there is in fact a great deal of intimacy in their life. Once this is openly acknowledged then the energetic fixation on this issue with their partner is altered significantly and the pressure on their partner is reduced. Sometimes this will quite lead to an overall re-evaluation of the problem whereby the true nature of the clients difficulty is exposed as something quite different. Of course you may also both discover that there is very little intimacy at all in their whole community experience which in itself will also take the focus off their partner but lead to an exploration of yet other possibilities and strategies not related to this one relationship in the clients community.

I have to admit to a certain dislike of the word community as a meta-level of relationships, its accurate enough but feels clumsy due to the way the term is used in everyday language. The description of this process should not be unfamiliar to you in terms of your communication work with clients but the concept of the meta-level, the higher embracing organising level of perception may be and should help you to shift your own consciousness and energy to a higher level more easily during your work. That way you the therapist act as the higher level energetic centre for the client,. You model it for them during the session as a way of perceiving and processing their life experience and you continue in that state of consciousness when you do the bodywork. This way they are immersed in a totally new experience in which there is no turbulence or fixation just the possibility of many new perceptions, feelings and actions. When the client leaves the therapy room and re-enters their everyday life this experience will begin to integrate slowly but steadily into their own perceptions and influence their actions in the following hours and days. Leading to both reconciliation and resolution. It is so important to remember that consciousness 'is' energy. If you can shift your consciousness to the meta-level of any particular area of your life experience then you will liberate your self from the tyranny of both stagnation and closed loops of turbulent internal discord.

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